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Saturday, April 22, 2006

Sidekick III shows up on the FCC

Sidekick III shows up on the FCC: "Filed under: Handsets, Sharp, T-Mobile, Danger, GSM

As soon as a Sharp-made handset shows up on the FCC with a whole bunch of confidentiality-request paperwork affixed, you know it's gonna be good. Sidekick fans, feast your eyes on the real deal up in the grill (yep, all those pics were legit), and the um, naked, battery-less tail end of the Sidekick III (model PV200). Can't be long now, can it?"

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Company Wants iPod Sales Halted, iTunes Shut Down

Company Wants iPod Sales Halted, iTunes Shut Down: ", the same company that sued Microsoft in 2002 and to which Redmond paid a $60 million license fee in 2005, claims Apple infringes upon several of its patents relating to music and video downloading. As such, it recently demanded that the U.S. District Court in San Francisco shut down a range of Apple services, including iTunes, Quicktime streaming and sales of the company's flagship product, the iPod. Of course, Apple responded with what amounts to 'make me,' filing a counter-suit demanding the rescinding of Burst's patents in question. First it's France demanding Apple open its iPod and now Burst demanding back royalties. Maybe Apple should hire a better image consultant.